PCA Youth Center
Regarding AAPI
Our statement
In the wake of continually increasing cases of Anti-Asian hate crimes and racism, including the horrific events of targeted attacks in Atlanta which killed eight people—six of which were women who identified as Asian—the PCA stands with the Asian and Pacific Islander community during these critical times. We strive to fulfill our mission by promoting cultural exchange across societies while being inclusive and empathetic towards all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality, etc.
The recent and ongoing events targeted at Asian and Pacific Islander communities have deeply affected PCA. As an organization that emphasizes Chinese culture and passion for community service, we recognize the toll these racist and xenophobic incidents have had on our community. PCA supports diversity in all its forms, and we must remain vigilant to ensure that we are working to create change. We believe that the targeted attacks in Atlanta are not isolated incidents but rather the accumulation and continuation of recent and historic anti-AAPI attacks.
The PCA community has a mission and commitment to core values that include diversity, acceptance, and equality. We fully support the AAPI community and commit ourselves to work both within and outside of our events to uphold and exemplify these values. The PCA encourages our community to also take action by signing petitions, donating, and spreading awareness about these horrific acts.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at pcayouthcenter@gmail.com.
The PCA Student Council