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Seizing the Last Moments of 2020

Hannah Song

2020— a year like no other — has finally said goodbye as we welcome 2021, who greets us with a new year full of possibilities, opportunities, and hope. Due to the current circumstances, many things have changed, such as the ways in which we could give back to and support our community. At PCA Youth Center, we were still able to connect with our community through holding a variety of online projects, such as online escape rooms, trivia, seminars, and most recently, a photography show!

On November 9th, we held our Snapshot event, which was a photography seminar held by Dr. Min Sun. After the seminar, we encouraged participants to utilize their new knowledge and skills from the seminar by taking photos. Creativity, color, and beauty can be found in every corner of our world and a great way to express them is through photography. During these rough and uncertain times, it can be healing and comforting to capture a beautiful moment of our lives, whether it be inside our houses or outside in a local park.

Our photography show was divided into four categories: light, holidays, animals, and nature. The top photos from each of the four categories were selected by our judges, Mr. Xu Jian and Mr. Zhou Xin. With submissions from participants ages of 9-16, we received a total of 45 photos ranging from nature in local parks to indoor holiday decorations and celebrations. All submissions can be found under the Gallery tab of our website. Feel free to check out the diverse and beautiful photos taken by our community!

Thank you to all who participated and a big shout out to our judges Mr. Xu Jian and Mr. Zhou Xin for their valuable thoughts, feedback, and time. Thank you to our student council (Crystal, Yi-Fei, Kevin, Alicia, Matthew, Chennie, Hannah, Sophia, Edward, Aaron, Iris), the counselors (Amy and Jefferson), and the parents for their time and efforts. We enjoyed creating and holding this event and we hope all our participants also enjoyed the experience.

We are looking forward to another wonderful year with everyone! We will continue to better our events so that they will fill your year with many fun and memorable experiences. Happy new year everyone, see you soon!

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