The circumstances of this global pandemic have propelled everyone to use different ways to connect with one another and find activities to do while stuck at home. Even though we cannot meet in person, the Adult Council and the Student Council have worked to devise a way to bring the PCA community together for something enjoyable, educational, and interactive.
The program was first introduced by an Adult Council member named Connie Zhao. She proposed the idea of teaching kids various subjects through virtual meetings and called it the Online Youtuber Program. Using Zoom, an online meeting platform, the Student Council, and several volunteers taught classes that range through a plethora of topics, such as exercise, variations of art, and chess. In the first month of testing these online classes, we have learned and worked through the challenges that have surfaced.

The PCA started these classes on the week of May 17th. Each class would have a set of dedicated teachers that take time to thoroughly plan their lessons, which last for forty-five minutes. We scattered the courses throughout the week, which allowed participants to sign up for time slots that work best with their schedules. As the lead for the Arts and Crafts classes, I was really nervous when the first lesson rolled around. Thankfully, everyone enjoyed it and looked forward to the next lesson, which was relieving to hear. As the weeks went on, we listened to feedback from the participants and ironed out the kinds of teaching methods that worked best with the students. After running this program for the first month, we hope that the next month will go smoothly.
Thank you to Connie Zhao for coming up with this idea and leading the program. Thank you to all the teachers that took the time to plan their lessons. Finally, thank you to all the participants that attended these online classes. We hope to see you in future events and classes!